Saturday, November 7, 2015


 I'm proud to announce that I completed the CB&Q Silver Streak N Scale project! It runs really great. I even purchased the CB&Q 9911A Silver Pilot which is one of the very last surviving EMD E5 locomotive. I loved running it. It looked like the real CB&Q 9911A at the Illinois Railroad Museum. The cars looked very detailed as well. The CB&Q 9909A Silver Bullet comes with the CB&Q Silver Streak Starter set. So I had to purchase CB&Q Silver Pilot separately. Mostly, I used 9911A on the layout instead of 9909A which I will most likely use as a backup locomotive. The next N Scale train project is being determined. But at this point, it's going to be the Santa Fe Super Chief. It's going to take a while to complete this project so I stay tuned for updates on the Super Chief project.

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